Cement grinding aids

Price: $78.00
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Update: 2023-07-04
Product Details
Cement grinding aids: There are two common types: liquid and powder (solid).
Function: Can increase mill output, improve product quality, or reduce grinding power consumption. The cement grinding aid used in the wet grinding process is also known as a dispersant.
Composition: Chemical structure classification: Cement grinding aids are divided into three types: polymeric organic salt grinding aids, polymeric inorganic salt grinding aids, and composite compound grinding aids. The cement grinding aid products used are mostly organic surface active substances. Composite compound grinding aids are widely used.
Powder (solid) cement grinding aids: sodium sulfate, industrial salt, fly ash, Triethanolamine, mother liquor of powder grinding aids, etc.
Composition of liquid cement grinding aid: liquid grinding aid mother liquor, triethanolamine, polymeric polyol, polymeric alcohol amine, triisopropanolamine, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, glycerol, sodium fatty acid, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium acetate, aluminum sulfate, calcium formate, calcium lignosulfate, sodium lignosulfate, etc.
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