100% Pure Sesame Oil In Red Color

Price: $5.00
Brand: shermark
Sales volume: Total sales0
Evaluation: Already 0 Reviews
Popularity: Already 120 Concerned
Update: 2019-02-12
Product Details
 Product Details

     Shermark provide 100% pure sesame oil in Shandong Province,China.The sesame growing area is located at the golden latitude line, and 37 degrees north latitude coincides with the growth temperature of sesame seed.The soil and irrigation water in our plantation area are rich in nutrients, especially the trace elements needed for the growth of oil crops.


Production process of fragrant oil



     Pure sesame oil has a dark red color. It is different from the blend oil. The blended oil is lighter in color and can be used for cooking as a long term.


    Our minimum quantity is 1 tons, can be customized to choose different packaging, if there is demand to send enquiries to indicate your exact demand, we will quote you as requested.

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