Everyone must find a problem in life, that is, the life we go to the supermarket for shopping. Supermarkets generally provide plastic bags for everyone to buy, but there is no paper bag. Many people say that paper bags are more environmentally friendly than plastic bags, so why do n’t supermarkets sell plastic bags?
1. The first is cost. After all, there are few paper bags on the market, and the production volume of enterprises is also small. The price of paper bags is much higher than that of plastic bags, and the multi-enterprise industrialization of plastic bags is high, so the price will be relatively cheap. Generally speaking, the price of a plastic shopping bag is 4-5 cents, while the paper bag requires 4-5 cents, and the price difference is ten times.
2. Environmental protection issues. Many people say that paper bags are more environmentally friendly, but they still need to discuss this issue. The American Chemical Society has done a statistic. The data shows that producing one ton of plastic saves 40% of raw materials, reduces energy by 91%, and reduces gas emissions by 70%.
From the actual situation, the raw material for plastic production is mainly petroleum, and the environmental problems generated are pollution during oil mining and the discharge of some organic chemical wastewater in the production process, and degradation of plastic products. The production of paper products is mainly trees or grass, and the main environmental problems are cutting down trees to destroy forests, destroying some fast-growing trees in the ecology and sewage discharge during production.