The role of logistics on production enterprises

   Date:2021-11-05     Browse:14    
Core tips:①Integrate a series of activities in the supply chain, such as manufacturing, inventory, transportation, and location s

①Integrate a series of activities in the supply chain, such as manufacturing, inventory, transportation, and location selection, through close cooperation with all participants, so as to improve supply chain management and strengthen comprehensive service capabilities.

②Establish a rapid response system to reduce stocking time, thereby reducing storage costs, improving service efficiency, adding value to the supply chain, and strengthening the core competitiveness of the enterprise.

③It can greatly promote the training of employees' coordination ability, problem-solving skills and adaptability; it can reduce the organizational level of the company and give full play to the employees' personal potential; improve the incentive mechanism, emphasize teamwork, and ensure the overall interests of the company. Dahua establishes a dynamic corporate culture that is oriented to customer service, supported by technological innovation, and creates benefits for the company.

④Reasonably allocate resources to improve the logistics efficiency and economic efficiency of the enterprise, such as the use of barcode technology for dynamic management and tracking of goods, and the use of advanced material handling equipment and identification systems to improve handling efficiency and reduce cargo damage.

Foreign manufacturing companies have long recognized that logistics is a magic weapon to improve corporate competition. Good logistics can achieve zero inventory, zero distance, and zero liquidity occupation, which is to improve service to users, build corporate supply chains, and increase corporate core competition. An important way to power. In the 21st century of economic globalization, information globalization and capital globalization, only by establishing a modern logistics structure can companies survive and develop in fierce competition.

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