Boxed Decapsulated Artemia Cysts

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latest update: 2019-03-29 18:18
Browse times: 218
Detailed description


1. Product Introduction

The source of decapsulated artemia cysts is artemia cysts is in state of dormancyfrom Aral sea. After peeling hard shells of artemia cysts in low temperature condition, and the rest are bright orange embryos, which conserve all nutrient content of artemia cysts. Through process of husking, the germs in shells are killed, hence it can prevent infection of disease of artemia cysts. Also, our products need not to be hatched, instead, just feed seedlings directly.


2.Product Advantage

Our products can directly be used without hatching, and the size is proper for feeding baby seedlings. As the baits, decapsulated artemia cysts have more nutrition value than artemia cysts, because when the artemia cysts are in dormant period, they will not consume any energy, they save more nutrition. For our products do not experience hatching process, the nutrition will not run off. They have rich protein and unsaturated fattyacid that are beneficial for baby shrimps and fishes. And the size is more suitable for baby seedlings.

3.Product Application

Our products are great baits for small fishes, any kinds of fishes, shrimps and crabs.


4.Product Package

Our products are packed by boxes.You’d better preserve them in cold and dry place.

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