89mm Louver Classic White Window Plantation Exterior Vinyl House for Windows Shutters Components

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latest update: 2019-03-30 09:37
Browse times: 106
Detailed description
 PVC louver shutters components are made of UPVC foam under a high temperature with a baked on waterborne paint.It is affordable, beautiful and safety.


A mainstay of outdoor window accents, louvered exterior shutters make a tasteful addition to any home. As louver shutters continue to evolve with contemporary architecture, more material options become available.PVC shutters deliver the beauty of wood shutters.PVC classic shutter louver will enhance the beauty of your home and allow you to elegantly control the light coming into your living space the same way wood shutters will do. The poly surface gives  you ease of maintenance and durability. Plus these window shutter components offer excellent energy efficiency and is a great sound insulator.And exterior house use window shutter also can be beautiful and safety. 

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