Potassium phosphite

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latest update: 2020-06-03 15:29
Browse times: 123
Detailed description
Product Usage
1. Potassium phosphite is an environment-friendly and efficient fertilizer, and an important component of the new liquid foliar fertilizer formula.

2. Potassium phosphite has a good inhibitory effect on fungal diseases such as Phytophthora infestans, downy mildew and powdery mildew, and can induce crops to produce continuous immunity against pathogenic fungi and viruses. In potato planting, after applying potassium phosphite, it has a very good control effect.
Germs invading cells

The important role of potassium phosphite in plant disease resistance is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

(1) When pathogenic bacteria invade, it can induce seedling cells to produce lignin, increase the thickness of the cell wall, make it hard and firm, and limit the pathogenic bacteria to the cell wall, single cells or local tissues, thereby preventing its further invasion and expansion;

⑵Potassium phosphite can directly attack pathogens and induce crops to produce substances that are toxic to viruses—PAs, which can inhibit and kill pathogens. Therefore, the synthesis and accumulation of PAs is an important defense against diseases of plants reaction;

(3) After the invasive pathogens are controlled, potassium phosphite can induce crops to send disease resistance signals to other cells that have not yet been attacked to start the defense system, which in turn causes the entire plant to resist the same pathogen or other pathogens, so that the system gains resistance Diseased.
Potassium phosphite induces cell wall lignification to limit pathogen expansion
Characteristics of potassium phosphite
1. The leaf spray and rush application absorb quickly, and can quickly add phosphate and potassium fertilizer
2. It is not easy to fix in the soil, easy to be absorbed, and the absorption utilization rate is high.
3. Promote rooting, promote fruit color transformation, increase sugar content, and promote flower bud differentiation.
4. It is not easy to antagonize with trace elements, the PH value is neutral, and it can be mixed with most pesticides and fertilizers.
5. It has the effect of regulating growth, which can control shoots and prosperity in the early stage of crop growth and promote flowering.
6. Resistance to diseases, downy mildew, powdery mildew, scab, Phytophthora, root rot, etc.
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