TXL- D series twin screw wet extrusion extruder

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latest update: 2020-07-13 14:43
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Detailed description

Product Features

1. The gearbox is the sixth-generation product of the company. It introduces the latest German transmission design. The transmission efficiency is as high as 94% or more, and the service life is 150,000 hours. It has 10 years of normal operation and 10 years of warranty under normal use. The user checks and maintains the machine every year, and replaces the engine oil and oil seal. The coupling is a British original torque limiter with automatic overload protection and can be automatically reset.

2. The barrel is made of medium carbon steel, the forgings are processed, and the heating layer and cooling layer are integrated forging structure.

3. The inner sleeve and screw of the barrel are made of high wear-resistant alloy steel, which greatly improves the service life. The normal service life of the inner sleeve is up to 15000 hours and the normal service life of the screw is 6000 hours. The main motor The frequency conversion motor can be used to adjust the screw speed according to the change of material formula to produce qualified products of different specifications.

4. The splined spindle has a 6-level machining accuracy. Normal use is 15,000 hours, with higher accuracy and good strength

5. It can produce uniform pellets of various shapes with floating and sinking diameters between Φ0.5mm-Φ50mm and no powder is produced.

6. The formula of the feed material produced can contain more than 18% oil and fat without affecting the puffing effect.

7. The raw materials of the produced feed are more evenly matured and the degree of maturation is higher.

8. Compared with the single-screw extruder with the same power, the output has increased by nearly 30%.

9. Compared with the single-screw extruder, the use of starch in the formulation can be reduced by about 30%.

10. It can produce floating water, slow sinking water, sinking granular feed.

Scope of application: Widely used in the production of extruded and extruded aquatic feed (floating water material, slow sinking material, fast sinking material), various pet foods, and can be used in the production of plant tissue protein and snack food in the food industry.

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