Cement manhole cover supplier

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latest update: 2020-09-23 16:13
Browse times: 79
Detailed description

Manhole covers are used to cover roads or deep wells in homes to prevent people or objects from falling. According to the material, it can be divided into metal manhole covers, high-strength fiber cement concrete manhole covers, resin manhole covers, etc. Generally round. It can be used for green belts, sidewalks, motor vehicle lanes, docks, alleys, etc.

Cement manhole cover

Common objects on the road. Cement manhole covers are made by mixing cement, sand, etc. in a reasonable ratio and then pressing them under high pressure through a mold. It has the characteristics of strong resistance to pressure and high bearing capacity.


Cement manhole covers are widely used in municipalities, gardens, parking lots, highways, docks, power plants, steel mills, airports, residential landscape roads, urban sidewalks, motor vehicles, squares, lawns and flower ponds for water supply, drainage, sewage, communications, electricity, etc. For natural gas and other projects, the cement manhole cover products produced by our company have beautiful appearance, simple lines, modern concepts, and flexible design to meet various environmental applications.

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