Corporate Culture Planning

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latest update: 2021-11-01 17:20
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Detailed description
Corporate culture planning-building an evergreen enterprise
Any enterprise that is dominated solely by systems and processes has limited vitality. If you want an enterprise to have unlimited vitality, you must build another system on top of the system and process, which is the corporate culture system. Although the corporate culture system is intangible, it is infinite. It connects everyone's thoughts and emotions. It allows enterprises to get more support and help, and it makes the influence of enterprises go beyond business behavior and spread all over the world.
The main content of the plan:
Refining values; refining business concepts; clarifying corporate ethics and style; designing code of conduct; corporate image and CI design; basic planning principles; overall competitiveness enhancement principles; expert intelligent planning principles; information technology strategic principles; knowledge innovation principles.
main effect:
1. Orientation function; 2. Restriction function; 3. Cohesion function; 4. Encouragement function; 5. Radiation function; 6. Brand function.
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