Millennial tomatoes

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latest update: 2021-11-02 14:18
Browse times: 157
Detailed description
The full name of the millennial cherry tomato is the millennial cherry tomato, which is an infinite-growing cherry tomato hybrid. The fruit is short and oval, the fruit color is pink, and the quality is better, similar to the cherry tomato.
This variety is an infinite-growing cherry tomato. The initial flower node is 7-8 nodes. It is about 90 days from sowing to the first harvest. The fruit color is pink, the fruit shape is short and oval, the fruit length is about 3.9 cm, and the fruit diameter is about 2.5 cm. A single fruit weighs about 20 grams. According to the quality inspection of Zhangzhou Agricultural Inspection and Monitoring Center, each 100g fresh sample contains 4.45g total sugar, 37.37mg vitamin C, and 0.95g crude protein. According to the field disease survey results of Xiang'an District Agriculture, Forestry and Water Technology Extension Center, the incidence of fusarium wilt was 0.5%, and the incidence of bacterial wilt was 1.0%. No viral diseases were found.
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