Pulverizing equipment

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latest update: 2020-08-21 14:56
Browse times: 151
Detailed description
 The pulverizing equipment adopts the advanced structure of similar products at home and abroad, and is updated and improved on the basis of the Raymond mill in the same industry. This equipment has higher efficiency than ball mills, lower power consumption, smaller floor space, and less one-time investment. The grinding roller is tightly rolled on the grinding ring under the action of centrifugal force, so when the grinding roller and grinding ring are worn to a certain thickness, the output and fineness of the finished product will not be affected. The grinding roller and grinding ring have a long replacement cycle, which eliminates the shortcoming of the centrifugal crusher's short replacement cycle for wearing parts. The air separation air flow of this machine circulates in the fan-mill shell-cyclone separator-fan, so it has less dust than the high-speed centrifugal crusher, the operating workshop is clean and the environment is pollution-free.
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