Old jujube

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Delivery period: From the date of payment by the buyer 3 shipped within days
Valid until: long term effective
latest update: 2020-09-24 15:28
Browse times: 204
Detailed description
Small deciduous tree, sparse shrub, up to more than 10 meters; bark brown or gray-brown; long branches, short branches and budless branches (new branches) are smoother than long branches, purple-red or gray-brown, zigzag zigzag, with 2 stipule thorns, long thorns up to 3 cm, thick and straight, short thorns down curved, 4-6 mm long; short branches are stubby, rectangular, emerging from old branches; branchlets green, drooping, solitary or 2-7 clusters grow on short branches.
Leaves are papery, ovate, ovate-elliptic, or ovate-rectangular; 3-7 cm long, 1.5-4 cm wide, blunt or rounded at the top, sparsely pointed, with small pointed head, slightly asymmetrical at base , Nearly round, with crenellated edges, dark green above, glabrous, light green below, glabrous or slightly sparsely hairy along veins, basal three veins; petiole length 1-6 mm, or in The long branches can reach up to 1 cm, glabrous or sparsely hairy; the stipules are slender and often fall off in later stages.
Flowers yellow-green, bisexual, 5 cardinal, glabrous, with short total pedicels, solitary or 2-8 densely packed axillary cymes; pedicels 2-3 mm long; sepals ovate-triangular; petals obovate, base Claws, equal to stamens; thick disk, fleshy, round, 5-lobed; lower part of the ovary hidden in the disk, connate with the disk, 2 compartments, 1 ovule in each compartment, 2 semi-cleft style.
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